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Unwanted Sexual Encounter

Come to Student Health and Wellness. It's safe and confidential. Visit CAPS or Medical Services, or talk to a confidential employee in any of our units⁠—we can help you, and the choices are yours.

SHW is a supportive, safe, and confidential place for female, male, transgender, gender-diverse, and non-binary students. We can address any physical, mental, and/or emotional concerns that you may have due to an unwanted sexual encounter.

Here is a PDF of resources available to students who have experienced an unwanted sexual encounter or sexual assault

Whether the encounter(s) occurred recently or long ago, we can provide you a range of services. The type of care we provide will depend on when the encounter(s) occurred: navigate the options on the left hand side to learn more about options available to you at SHW.

All treatments are completely optional, coming to Student Health and Wellness (SHW) does not commit you to receiving any services, we can provide:

  • emotional support and counseling,
  • medical evaluation and treatment including pregnancy prevention


Making an Appointment at Student Health and Wellness

  • To schedule an appointment with Medical Services Call (434) 924-5362 during business hours and request an appointment related to an unwanted sexual encounter. Scheduling online via HealthyHoos is also an option. Use any appointment reason (such as sexual assault, pregnancy concern, stomach issue, yearly), but please call if a same day appointment is not available, we will make time. Care at low or no cost is a priority at SHW.

  • To make a Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) appointment, call (434) 243-5150 and note that you need care following an unwanted sexual encounter.
  • Student Health and Wellness medical and mental health providers are available after hours and on weekends call CAPS at (434) 243-5150 or medical services at (434) 297-4261.

Encounters Within the Past 5 Days

Receiving care within 5 days after an unwanted sexual encounter is extremely important, and the sooner care is received, the more options there are available for evidence collection and/or pregnancy prevention.

Medical providers can help determine whether you need medications (e.g., emergency contraception, antibiotics to prevent sexually transmitted infection, antiretrovirals to prevent HIV), how to assist you emotionally, extent of any injuries, and if you are interested in the collection and preservation of physical evidence.

Encounters More than 5 Days Ago

If the unwanted sexual encounter(s) occurred more than 5 days ago, SHW can still provide emotional support and counseling, as well as a medical evaluation and treatment. We are here for you!

Regardless of the time that has elapsed since the unwanted sexual encounter, you may benefit from the following:

  • Counseling services to help you cope with emotional or physical symptoms following the encounter (sleep or appetite changes, difficulty concentrating, or problems with memory)
  • Medical evaluation and treatment
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Referral to support services, including free services at Sexual Assault Resources Center (SARA), The Shelter for Help in Emergency, and the UVA Women’s Center

Emotional Support Resources

It is common to have strong emotional reactions following an unwanted sexual encounter. If this is happening to you, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides:

  • Crisis walk-in care
  • After-hours services
  • Counseling
  • Psychiatric services
  • TimelyCare

To make a Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) appointment, call (434) 243-5150, or visit their website for more information on resources available.


Frequently asked questions 

Cav Care

The University of Virginia is committed to ending sexual violence and providing care, support, and resources to those who experience it. For more information on education & prevention, help & support, policies & processes, investigation procedures, and UVA's Just Report It portal visit the Cav Care website.