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CAPS Groups

Interpersonal Process Groups

Eating Disorder Recovery Group

This group is designed for students who struggle with binge eating, purging, food restriction, excessive exercise, body image concerns, or other related issues. The interpersonal focus of the group allows members to explore relational and emotional patterns underlying their behaviors. Members can use the group to increase self-awareness, identify emotional needs, practice authentic communication, and learn more effective coping. This is not a structured group, and group members are encouraged to bring in and discuss issues relevant to their own experiences and struggles. Self-esteem, body image, relationships, identity, emotional expression, anxiety, perfectionism, self-criticism, and academic pressure are among the topics that may be discussed. Weekly attendance is expected. A pre-group screening with the facilitator is required to join this group.

Wednesdays, 3-4:30pm EST

Group leader: Deepti Athalye, PhD


*To join, call CAPS at (434) 243-5150

Interpersonal Process Group - Understanding Self and Others

This interpersonal process group is for students who want to explore their own identity and self-worth, find new ways to connect and communicate with others, and understand what may be getting in their way of achieving these goals. Students can use the interpersonal interaction of the group to learn about themselves, identify and expand their own interpersonal patterns, try new behaviors, and clarify confusing feelings within a supportive and growth producing atmosphere. A pre-group screening with the facilitator(s) is required to join this group.

Tuesdays, 3:30-5pm EST

Wednesdays, 3:00 - 4:30pm EST 

Thursdays, 3:30-5pm EST

*To join, call CAPS at (434) 243-5150

Interpersonal Process Group- Graduate Students

This interpersonal process group is for graduate/professional students who want to explore their own identity and self-worth, find new ways to connect and communicate with others, and understand what may be getting in their way of achieving these goals. Students can use the interpersonal interaction of the group to learn about themselves, identify and expand their own interpersonal patterns, try new behaviors, and clarify confusing feelings within a supportive and growth producing atmosphere. A pre-group screening with the facilitator is required to join this group. 

Tuesdays, 3:30-5pm EST

*To join, call CAPS at (434)243-5150



Bipolar Disorder Support Group

This ongoing support group is open to students diagnosed with bipolar disorder and currently engaged in treatment with a mental health provider, either at or outside of CAPS. It will provide a safe and confidential setting where members can discuss their experiences of living with bipolar disorder. The group will include psychoeducation on: bipolar disorder in general, treatments (including medication), new research, and managing symptoms across various life domains. A pre-group screening with the facilitators is required to join this group. 

Fridays, 1-2:15pm EST

*To join, call CAPS at (434) 243-5150 

Black Graduate Students Support Group

This is a weekly support space centered on the Black, African American, and African graduate and professional student experience. This support space provides a safe and affirming opportunity to make connections, give and receive support, and engage in open dialogue about lived experiences as a graduate or professional student at a PWI. We will discuss topics including but not limited to: academic stress, relationships, socio-political climate, community, racial in/justice, resilience and belongingness. 

Fridays, 3-4:30pm EST

*To join, email Lavender Williams.

Graduate Students Support Group

This on-going group is open to graduate students and students of professional schools. Members will strive to provide a safe and confidential setting where the experiences of being a graduate/professional student can be freely discussed and support as well as coping strategies provided. A meeting with the group facilitator is required prior to joining the group. 

Fridays, 11:30am-12:45pm EST

Group leader: Maegan Dye, LPC


*To join, call CAPS at (434) 243-5150 

Grief Group

Grief and loss are a part of life, but it can be difficult to know how to navigate the intense feelings that can come with it.  This group is an opportunity for students who have experienced a death to process their feelings of loss and explore the grief process in a safe and supportive atmosphere. This group allows members to identify their emotional needs, offer and receive support, and consider different steps to take toward healing.

Mondays, 3:00 - 4:15 pm EST

*To join, call CAPS at (434) 243-5150


International Students Support Circle

This is a weekly support space centered on the international student experience. International students often face multiple challenges, including those associated with the nuances of language, interpersonal communication, navigating social relationships, and adapting to a new academic culture, among others. The uncertainties associated with COVID, travel/immigration restrictions, and U.S. political turmoil can potentially heighten international students’ anxiety and feelings of isolation. This support group provides students with the extra support they need to strengthen their capacity for resilience and deepen their sense of belonging. We will focus on: providing a safe and supportive space for connection; discussing common issues of cross-cultural adaptation encountered at various stages of the student life cycle, from first arrival to graduation; discussing COVID-19’s impact on various aspects of international students’ life and their stress; learning about resources and coping strategies; discussing challenges and rewards associated with living, learning and working at UVA.

Fridays, 1-2:30pm EST

  • Facilitators: Baozhen Xie, PhD & Caren Freeman, PhD
  • This group is open to all registers UVA undergraduate and graduate students, exchange students, postdoctoral researchers, and international scholars.

*To join email Dr. Xie or Dr. Freeman 

LGBTQ+ Support Group

This is a support group for students who want to become more comfortable within themselves, and with their gender identity and sexuality. This inclusive group welcomes lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, queer, asexual, and intersex students. Members of the group include those who are fully out to others, those who are out to only a few chosen people, and those who are only just coming out to themselves. The group provides a confidential and safe space in which LGBTQ+ students can explore questions related to gender and sexuality, and also discuss issues related to societal and personal values, relationships, choices, self-esteem, and self-care. This is not thought of as a therapy group because we do not believe that LGBTQ+ identities are indicative of psychopathology. Instead, this group is designed to foster healthier adjustment and self-development in its participants by providing the opportunity to share and reflect on their experiences, thoughts, and emotions in some depth in an atmosphere that is non-judgmental and supportive. A pre-group screening with the facilitator(s) is required to join this group. 

Fridays 1-2:30pm EST

  • Group co-leaders: John Cheslock, MA, LPC & Julia Mae Linger, MA

*To join, call CAPS at (434) 243-5150

Skills Development


ADHD Skills Group

This group is designed to address common problems associated with ADHD which can be sources of distress and frustration including incomplete tasks, difficulties initiating and terminating tasks and activities in a timely manner, difficulties with organization and planning, difficulty with time management including tardiness and procrastination, forgetfulness and indecisiveness. The group is designed for students interested in committing to 6 weekly sessions to not only better understand challenges associated with ADHD, but also continually practice skills to combat these challenges.

Goals of the group are to:

  • Gain insights into the nature of and patterns of current ADHD-related difficulties
  • Develop lasting, practicable compensatory skills, and
  • Engage in a mutually supportive community in which all members are continuing to reflect and practice skills

​​​​​​​Of note, this group will be most effective for individuals who have already addressed primary factors that impair executive functioning including substance use, mood disorders and persistent sleep disturbances.

Mondays, 3:15 - 4:30 pm EST

  • Group co-leaders: Elaine Duffee, M.D. & Will Parker, M.D.
  • To join, call CAPS at (434) 243-5150 to schedule an initial phone assessment.
DBT Skills Group

Would you like to work on creating emotional balance and get off the emotional roller coaster? Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills training group is a six to nine week course to provide an engaged and safe environment to learn and practice skills that will help you be more mindful, manage your emotions, and develop healthier relationships. At the end of skills training, you will have your own toolkit to pull from whenever you have difficult life circumstances. Students must be in individual treatment at CAPS or another UVA-affiliated clinic in order to participate in this group. Information about DBT resources in the community will be provided for all other interested students. A pre-group screening with the facilitator is required to join this group.

Four Major Areas of DBT Skills Training

  1. Mindfulness skills - develop a lifestyle of living your daily life with awareness to the present moment. 
  2. Distress Tolerance – Develop skills that help you to tolerate and get through emotional crises without engaging in unwanted behavioral responses. 
  3. Emotional Regulation – Understand and name your own emotions, decrease suffering, and reduce emotional vulnerability. The skills are aimed to increase resilience. 
  4. Interpersonal Effectiveness  – Learn strategies to manage interpersonal conflicts effectively and maintain and improve relationships with other people.

Tuesdays, 2:30-4pm EST

  • Group co-leaders: Elise Clerkin, PhD and Lisa Barr, LPC
  • To join, talk to your individual therapist or contact CAPS at (434) 243-5150.
Mindfulness Space

Mindfulness Space: Counseling and Psychological Services is offering a mindfulness meditation hour this semester. The meditation hour is open to all UVA students looking for a way to engage in mindfulness practices in a safe and supportive space. No previous experience is required. The session will begin with a brief introduction, followed by mindfulness practice and debriefing.

Wednesdays, 3-4pm EST

  • Facilitator: Kim Collins, LCSW
  • If you are interested, email Kim Collins
