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WahooWell logo. Image text: empowering you to enhance your well-being.
Take our registration survey to sign-up for an appointment

WahooWell Sign-Up Survey


All information within WahooWell sessions are kept confidential between the student and the facilitator. However, if a student indicates an intention to harm themselves or others, or a court order is issued, information may be disclosed as required by federal, state or local law. 

There is a confidentiality release form if someone needs to know that you participated in WahooWell—participation dates are all that we share.

WahooWell consists of a confidential well-being survey and two or more confidential, one-on-one follow-up meetings with a well-being facilitator. In your meetings, you will have the opportunity to be heard, encouraged, and validated in a way that motivates you to accomplish personally meaningful goals. 

Enhancing Well-being

The survey consists of a general well-being section and questions about three areas of well-being that commonly come up for students at UVA: stress, sleep, and social health. WahooWell is different from therapy in that we provide supportive well-being coaching rather than mental health treatment.

Positive and Personalized

A conversation that helps you explore your strengths, goals, and motivations related to well-being. Our model is based in positive psychology - often starting from “What’s going well?” and building on personal desires and successes as we discuss specific areas of well-being.

Support in Times of Transition

Recent changes have created unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Talking with a well-being professional can help you explore and implement an individualized plan.

What Students Are Saying

  • “I am happier overall after doing WahooWell. I have made some significant changes in my life regarding my stress level and sleep habits, and I have been healthier as a result of these changes.”

  • “It made me feel a lot better just to put my thoughts into words and have someone listen and give feedback. I also feel like I was made much better aware of what resources are available to me.”

  • “I was positively affirmed in my existing ability to make better decisions.”

  • “[I get] more sleep, I’m less stressed and drink less.”

  • “I thought the best aspect was just having someone there to listen to me and have an actual interest in my well-being. Talking with the facilitator inspired me to work to change some aspects of myself for the better.”

Questions? Please email WahooWell or call (434) 924-1509.