Nicole Ramirez
Nicole Headshot
Senior Finance Generalist

Nicole Ramirez joined Student Health and Wellness in July 2023 and serves as the Senior Finance Generalist.

She provides a hybrid of complex financial transactions, encompassing, accounting, budget, payroll, financial analysis, and purchasing for all sections of Student Health and Wellness. Working closely with senior administration leadership to provide financial best practices. In addition, Ms. Ramirez helps with training and mentoring her finance team.

Prior to Student Health and Wellness, Ms. Ramires started with UVA Finance as a Fiscal Tech for OFP&A to clean up the transition from Oracle to Workday. Ms. Ramirez has more than 20 years managing and growing small businesses. She attended Jefferson College in St. Louis working towards a degree in Business Management and Accounting.

SHW Administration

550 Brandon Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22908